Sponsored By: SSHRC
Principle Investigator: Sheila Marshall, Ph.D.
Contact: Sheila.Marshall@ubc.ca
This two-site, multi-informant research is concerned with the ways in which parents and adolescents act together with regard to adolescents’ time in structured and unstructured activities with peers. The primary objective of this research is to bring two broad areas of research together in this proposed project: (a) parent management of adolescents’ peer relationships and (b) adolescents’ management of friends and activities.
Our focus on the joint actions between parents, and adolescents and participants’ meanings attributed to the joint actions, contributes toward rectifying the unwarranted implication in a great deal of research and intervention literature that parents are the main source of adolescents’ problem behaviours with peers. A second objective is to examine whether information about relationship dynamics effectively assists families in guiding the adolescents’ peer relations.