Orange Shirt Day 2022

Orange Shirt Day | National Day for Truth and Reconciliation will be here soon (September 30). Please read the following message from the Indian Residential School History & Dialogue Centre about Orange Shirts. Information about events on campus for this important day for reflection and action will be posted throughout September.

In collaboration with Musqueam, the Indian Residential School History & Dialogue Centre, commissioned an original artwork from Musqueam artist Darryl Blyth for this year’s t-shirts for Orange Shirt Day and campaign materials. T-shirts will be available for purchase at UBC Bookstore (UBC Vancouver) by Friday and at MOA gift shop after the long weekend. The Bookstore will be accepting pre-orders beginning tomorrow. A limited number of youth t-shirts were ordered so you are advised to purchase soon. All profits go to Orange Shirt Society and the Indian Residential School Survivors Society, so please join us in supporting both an emerging Musqueam artist and these two important organizations!