Student Association

The Social Work Students’ Association promotes social work values as expressed in the British Columbia Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics and serves the general advancement of UBC Social Work students through:

  • Promoting a diverse and inclusive educational environment
  • Representing the membership to administrative bodies within the School of Social Work, the University, the Alma Mater Society, and to other such campus organizations of relevance to Social Work students
  • Organizing and coordinating ad hoc committees designed to call attention to issues of social justice both on campus and in the broader community
  • Advocating for student concerns and issues within the school, the campus and the broader community
  • Effectively communicating between and among membership, the School administration, the University, and the broader community
  • Working and coordinating with other Social Work students across Canada and internationally
  • Provisioning facilities, amenities, and activities for the benefit of the membership


Each Social Work student enrolled at the UBC School of Social Work, including part-time and graduate students, is an active member of the Association.

The executive of the Association has the right to name any student or group of students at UBC or other educational institutions, or any active community member or group as Associate Members; who may participate in the affairs of the Association but will have no vote.

A membership fee will be collected from all registered Social Work students on behalf of the Association by the Registrar, as decided by referendum conducted according to AMS procedures. The fee will continue to be collected in successive years, subject to further referendum.

Code of Ethics

The School of Social Work honours the BC Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics and all students sign the following declaration as part of their professional oath prior to field placement.

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