May 5 2022: Red Dress Day

May 5 is the National Day of Awareness for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women & Girls. It is widely recognized as Red Dress Day, a day to recognize, honour and raise awareness about this national tragedy.

The UBC School of Social Work participated in a Faceless Doll Project as a way to join together and remember.

It is based upon a project created by the Native Women’s Association of Canada. We invite you to do the same or recognize this day in another way.

Feel free to drop by the Jack Bell Building for the School of Social Work to see our project and take a moment to reflect.

More Information

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Reclaiming Power and Place: Executive Summary of the Final Report 

Keetsahnak: Our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters

Protect Our Future Daughters

Butterflies in Spirit Video Collaborations

Download the Red Dress Day poster here.