Invitation to all students!
Last year we held our first Indigenous Social Services Agency Fair and it was a resounding success so we hope you can join us for our second Agency Fair on October 17, 2024!
As is acknowledged in the School of Social Work’s Statement of Accountability and Commitment to Indigenous Peoples, our school is committed to decolonize social work education to address and counter ongoing, unjust and unfair social work policies and practices with Indigenous peoples. Our commitment includes teaching about the legacy of colonialism and fostering stronger connections with Indigenous peoples, communities and organizations.
Another way of decolonizing social work is for students to learn about Indigenous-led and Indigenous-focused services. In doing so, social work students will have an expanded awareness of the importance and existence of services that integrate Indigenous perspectives, priorities and ways of knowing and being that support the wellbeing of Indigenous peoples.
We hope you can join us on October 17 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm at the First Nations House of Learning – UBC Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall!
Please feel free to contact Kelly Allison with any questions or comments at